Mice & Rats

Mice & Rats

Mice & Rats

Rats and Mice are the worst kind of pest nightmare for a household as well as any workplace. They love nice and warm cozy places, where they can happily munch on your commodities. A mice invasion can truly be a horrifying situation to deal with, when a single one can cause extreme troubles. An infestation of Mice can be a huge disturbance in the Greater Toronto Area and creates a lot of inconvenience for the general masses. Especially storage rooms and warm places give a boost to mouse and rat invasion. Prevailing low temperatures usually result in them trying to find houses, which can provide them warmth from the cold outside. With their small size and agility, they can be really sneaky with their movements. They usually show maximum activities during the night time and can abundantly litter your living space with their excreta. Their faecal disperse are harmful and toxic substances, which can produce adverse health effects on the people in the immediate vicinity. Though a frequent invasion, Mice and Rats can pose serious problems for you.


Adversities Encountered

Mice and Rats are known to be carriers of diseases and their bites and urinal discharge can cause severe infections and fever. Moreover, they can bite through most of your objects and can damage electricity wirings in your home.


Deduce the Nature of Infestation

You can recognize a mice invasion by hearing the clawing noises they make and the generous amount of droppings they leave behind. They also tend to make nests in some abandoned corners or unused commodities in your home.


A Pest Free Space

We advise you to give us a call and state your problems. We will comprehend your issue and allocate treatments accordingly to get rid of mice and rats infestation with the best results in reasonable prices.


Take Care Always

To avoid mice and rats in your home, keep the place well aerated and regularly clean cupboards and bookshelves, which act as a working ground for them. Keep your food items properly covered.